Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Posted by Gaunt Industries on Jun 22nd 2018

We greatly appreciate our customers' feedback on both the products we offer and your overall experience with Gaunt Industries.  The goal of our staff is to ensure that every customer is satisfied with our quality, speed, and customer assistance with each purchase.  Below, we are proud to share just a few of the outstanding reviews we have received in the past.

"I use it to apply CLP lubricant sparingly and in tight places on my bike's derailleurs, brake calipers, etc. You can't beat it when it comes to accurate, neat placement of a tiny drop of lube. Drips and misses are a thing of the past. Highly recommended as a precision oiler."  -Tim in VA

"Bought 3 different Gaunt bottles to try with oil. All of them seem very high quality and will last me a very long time.
All three will be put to use due to the size of the bottles I bought I like them all for different situations. Buy this brand you wont go wrong."  -Maxpower

"I ordered the applicators for my henna, and thank God I did. I am so happy with this product. It came early which was awesome, cap fits, applies good, it's just what I needed. And it was also pretty cheap! So glad with my applicators. (:" -john

"This product was top quality and value. It was perfect to apply thinned paint for my art work. Rinse thoroughly immediately after use to keep clear. Great experience, and I will be a return customer. Thank you." -Dorothy

"excellent seller uses super fast shipping will buy from again thank you"

"A good purchase. Arrived unbelievable so quickly. Plastic bottle with a very fine opening just like a needle." -Mary

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